A Major Innovation for Hybrid Events
Bridges the experience gap by providing virtual attendees a platform to not only view the same content, but respond to the same Polls, and participate in the same Q&A as the attendees in the room. This type of interaction takes virtual attendees from passive listeners to active participants, resulting in a much richer and fulfilling experience.

Social Q&A®
Easy Access for both In-Person and Virtual attendees
In-person attendees access Conferences i/o simply by navigating to a unique URL on their mobile device, smartphone, tablet, etc. For virtual attendees, Conferences i/o is embedded directly within the Digitell platform, sitting conveniently alongside the video stream. Attendees use our Social Q&A® feature to ask questions, view questions submitted by other virtual, or in-person attendees, and upvote the questions they want addressed.

Poll Questions
A blended meeting lets everyone participate at once
Poll questions are pushed to the in-person and virtual attendees at the same time. The results are displayed in real-time on stage, including the responses collected from virtual attendees!

Benefits For All Stakeholders

- Seamlessly bridge the gap between in-person and virtual attendees, improving the experience for everyone.

- Poll in-person and virtual attendees at the same time and analyze/review the aggregated results from the podium or stage.

- Virtual attendees no longer feel isolated or unrepresented. Engaging and interactive.